Friday the 13th (1980) Macabre month of horror #13

“Friday the 13th” is one of the most well known slasher films. There have been a ridiculous amount of sequels, a crossover, and of course a remake. This is a huge franchise. So how does the first film fair?

Cover of "Friday the 13th"

The icon of the series is the hokey masked slasher Jason Voorhees. However Jason is not the killer in the first film. He is in fact in the movie, but only briefly as a child. He isn’t the killer until the second movie, and he doesn’t wear the iconic hokey mask, until the the third movie. Jason’s mother is the killer in the first movie, and is played by Betsy Palmer, which came as a surprise to a lot of people.

The first two in the series are very effective, but after that they are bad but usually in an enjoyable way.

Tom Savini applies make-up to Ari Lehman, crea...

The movie has a pretty good cast. Some of the characters are quite annoying, one is really funny, and one becomes the big star, Kevin Bacon.

Tom Savini did the special effects and they look great. He is awesome in everything he works on.He

acts and does special effects and makeup for many horror movies including Dawn of the Dead, From Dusk Till Dawn, and Creep Show. Some special effect highlights are the arrow through the neck, and the design for young Jason.

Friday the 13th is one of the greats. It’s old but holds up pretty well. Don’t watch the remake or sequels without seeing the original.